Baseball in Japanese American Internment Camps


How did the Japanese learn to play the game of baseball?

Why were Japanese Americans relocated to one of the ten internment camps (also called relocation centers)?

If you had to leave your home and could only take what would fit in a suitcase, what would you take?

How was life different inside of the fence?

How did baseball save the Japanese Americans during their internment?

Explore the answers to these questions and discover background information.

Book lists for your students and teaching resources also included.

Scene of barrack homes at this War Relocation Authority Center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry. A hot windstorm brings dust from the surrounding desert to Manzanar. 

Date:  7/3/42   Photographer:  Dorothea Lange   Retrieved from:

What do you know about Japanese American Internment Camps during World War II?  Many of us have limited knowledge of this subject.  Watch the YouTube video to find out what others know about the topic.


Internment camps and further institutions of the War Relocation Center in the western United States. 
Retrieved from:

Click on link below (1PeakPopGraph.pdf) for graph showing the peak population of relocation centers during World War II. 
(Graph created by Kathy Fritts)


1PeakPopGraph.pdf 1PeakPopGraph.pdf
Size : 196.611 Kb
Type : pdf


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